
HG Hygienic Whirlpool/Bath Cleaner

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HG Hygienic Whirlpool/Bath Cleaner

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Product Information

HG hygienic whirlpool bath cleaner cleans the internal whirlpool system on the basis of natural raw materials. During and after the use of your whirlpool, there is bacterial growth and deposits as limescale, soap, and oil caked on the internal system. If it is not cleaned regularly, the whirlpool will perform less effectively and eventually it will break down. It can also produce an unpleasant odour. The product cleans the whirlpool safely and without damaging the internal system or the environment. Caked-on dirt and any possible sources of unpleasant odours will also be removed. Regular use of HG hygienic whirlpool bath cleaner extends the lifespan of the whirlpool.

Pack Size:  1 litre

For MSDS click here

Product CodeJ24
ManufacturerHG Hagesan

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