Blu Away – Odour Free Washroom Cleaner

Specially formulated to clean and maintain odour-free

Blu Away eradicates organic staining and odour
problems from all washroom surfaces, including floors
and walls contaminated with urine. Simply spray and
wipe all ceramic surfaces to control scale and soiling.

Dilute and swab floors to clean and remove uric scale
build-up and urine soiling.

Use Blu Away with Bio Blocks to maintain trouble-free
odourless washrooms.

Bio Productions Biologicals contain species of
micro-organisms/bacteria that are commonly found
in the digestive tract and in soil.
Our bacteria secrete a cocktail of enzymes aiding
the breakdown of organic matter. As such, the
micro-organisms found in our biologicals are classed
as probiotic.


Size: 5 LITRE

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